by Design Mechanical | Oct 21, 2022 | News, Energy
A new business saving program is available through Evergy. Evergy’s Business Energy Savings Program can help cover the cost of investing in a more efficient HVAC unit. Inefficient HVAC units use a LOT of energy and that unnecessary energy results in wasted dollars...
by Design Mechanical | Jul 20, 2022 | News, Energy
Most “regular Americans” likely don’t think about the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), but electrical and mechanical contractors and equipment manufacturers are well-aware of its important role in their work. The DOE is one of 15 cabinet-level departments whose head...
by Design Mechanical | Jun 21, 2021 | Technology, Energy
You may not have heard of an economizer before, but it’s an instrument that can save tons of money for commercial building owners by saving on the energy that is used to cool and ventilate those buildings. An economizer uses a sensor that is capable of measuring...
by Design Mechanical | Apr 12, 2021 | Energy
If you’ve never considered how much energy is consumed by commercial buildings in this country, you should be aware that approximately 40% of all energy consumed in the U.S. is attributable to commercial buildings. That amounts to well over $400 billion worth of...
by Design Mechanical | Oct 20, 2020 | Energy
How much do you know about your energy usage? Have you set goals for energy efficiency? Are you as efficient as your peers? Coming up with a solution or plan for your Energy Usage/Cost issues takes time and effort. Before we can get a handle on energy usage, we need...
by Design Mechanical | Oct 20, 2020 | Energy
At Design Mechanical, we specialize in bringing visibility to building owners and managers who want to control energy expense. Our DMI Energy Dashboard is a powerful, intuitive data visualization tool that can help you prioritize energy efficiency through better...